In our organizational development assignments, our work extends beyond the internal functioning of organizations. We pay attention to our client’s competitors, customers, partners, and interactions with them as well. Our goal is to create a future-proof organizational operation: by involving a wide range of stakeholders including owners, management, key personnel, and employees, we aim not only for them to understand and accept the goals but also to support them and take responsibility for their achievement.


Change management

  • Is your organization continuously growing, and is your team expanding? Does the familiar routine no longer suffice, necessitating a change in the usual workflow?
  • Are new leaders arriving, or perhaps the introduction of a new product poses a challenge?
  • Do you want to implement more efficient processes, but feel that efficiency is decreasing?

Do you feel like you’re hitting walls with every change? It’s no wonder, as people are naturally resistant to change. Although stability is fundamental, we must recognize the opportunities in change.

Change management is a complex process that should be treated as a project. However, without proper communication and clear goal definition, we may encounter resistance, which hampers the process. To overcome resistance, it is worth considering what process helps the members of the organization commit to change. Our consultants assist organizations facing change throughout this journey.

Our change management service focuses on issues such as resistance and uncertainty, offering solutions to methods that not only help manage change but also turn it into an advantage.

Establishing self-managing organizations

“Believe in them to know their job and trust them to develop it.”

This is the message we convey to all our partners, which sounds simple yet raises numerous questions. Both from a leadership perspective and as employees, we can experience discomfort if the organization we work in does not have a self-managing, advanced organizational culture. These are usually the symptoms that cause tension in our daily lives, making us find little joy in our work, and ultimately may lead us to consider trying our luck elsewhere.

During the development of self-managing organizations, we work together with our partners to identify the major obstacles and determine the necessary development steps that best support change and growth.

We develop the development plan and support the implementation with change management tools, ensuring that the process of change strengthens self-management.

process improvement, LEAN

The lean philosophy is based on removing waste from processes and respect for people. According to this approach, the greatest value of a company lies in its employees. The respect and appreciation shown towards them contribute to shared responsibility, ensuring the success of developments.

According to the Lean approach, if there is waste in the system, the fault should be sought not in the colleagues but in the processes. The knowledge and experience necessary to improve processes are already within them. By adopting and implementing this mindset, we can improve the workplace atmosphere, reduce turnover, and increase the organization’s productivity. The impact will not only be felt within the company but also outside. The perception of customers and partners will improve, enabling us to operate a sustainable and successful business.

Thanks to the introduction of Lean, the number of errors decreases, along with waste and costs. In contrast, productivity, customer satisfaction, and profit increase.

Given the listed benefits, it is worth considering for organizations to implement this methodology in their operations.

SMART team building

Experiences are necessary, but most of the time, content is also required. This is when Smart team building comes into play.

  • When you see that you’ve been passing each other by, and a shared movie night doesn’t solve the communication challenges within the group.
  • If you feel that the real experience would be to learn to understand each other better.
  • Or if a difficult situation highlights how much more effective teamwork would be if you were all on the same level of professional knowledge as quickly as possible.

When the idea of organizing team building emerges, it may not yet be clear to us exactly what we need. But this is not a problem at all! Our consultants engage in the planning and organizing process as soon as the need arises. With their expertise, they assist in designing and structuring the most effective program plan from day one.

family business support

The difficulty in operating family-owned businesses stems from the blending of roles, as the stakeholders simultaneously act as family members, owners, and managers. Consequently, it is challenging to distinguish relational disagreements from differences in opinions regarding the company’s operations during conflict situations. These discomforts not only negatively impact the company/group of companies but, in worse cases, can also limit the healthy functioning of the family.

Our goal is to support the founding owners, the family jointly leading the company, and the succeeding generation in the collective development of family relationships, assets, and the company. We believe that a family business can only operate successfully across generations if the common family interest precedes the company’s economic interests.

Over the past decades, we have supported numerous family businesses in making joint leadership more effective, in generational transitions, and in succession planning. In our advisory work, alongside maintaining or establishing cooperation and good relations, we also focus on strategic planning, informed decision-making, inheritance, and the acquisition of ownership and managerial roles. Working in collaboration with lawyers and financial investment advisors, we provide comprehensive solutions for the successful multi-generational operation of family businesses.

individual skill development

  • Do you feel like you’re not in control as a leader?
  • Are you struggling to find common ground with your colleagues?
  • Do the same conflicts keep resurfacing around you?
  • Are you looking to consciously improve yourself?

However, if you want to strengthen your leadership skills or personal effectiveness with the help of an external consultant outside of your organization, we can tailor a personalized process for you.

The process of individual skill development:

  1. During the initial meeting, we discuss the current issues. Duration is approximately 1.5 hours.
  2. Completion of homework assignments and self-monitoring.
  3. In the next meeting, we review the experiences, discuss new topics, and assign additional home exercises.

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